Youth Ministries at First Pres exist to challenge and equip our students to take ownership of “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) and to provide a safe and welcoming space for them to do so. The normal instruments of growth for our students are Family Worship, our Pray for Me Campaign, weekly Youth Group, Sunday classes, and other occasional events for fellowship and service. You can find more specific information on each of those below.
For more specific information or to be added to our email list, contact Pastor David Goetz (
Family Worship
The majority of our spiritual formation takes place at home, in the context of our relationships with one another, as we work and play and rest together. We are committed to providing resources and encouragement for parents as they seek to connect with their kids and to point them faithfully to Jesus. If you want to receive our monthly Parent Resource emails, please contact Pastor David (
Youth Group
Our youth group currently meets on Sunday evenings, 6:00-8:00pm, in our youth room in the Harkness Center (60 S. Fourth St.).
We use this time primarily to build relationships with peers and with adults in the church, as well as to learn from God’s perfect word. If you want to join us, please contact Pastor David (
One of our goals, in ministering to our youth, is to normalize following Jesus, and one way to do that is simply to live life together. To that end, we schedule regular opportunities to have fun and/or to serve together! Whether it’s walking downtown for ice cream, sitting around a bonfire at Pastor David’s house, going bowling, catching a Kane County Cougars game, or going to Raging Waves Waterpark, we create time to enjoy one another.
Please email Pastor David ( to get our summer calendar or with general inquiries.
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Contact Us
For more information on our New City Youth Ministry and how you can get your Jr. and Sr. High Kids involved, contact us using the form below.